Monday, January 27, 2014


So, I'm finally out of the southern Ukrainian city that I'd been living in for almost a year. I spent a week in Kiev, going through training for the large chain school that I now work for. Training was a bit tedious, involving training classes during the day, and then observation in the evenings.

My quarters in Kiev consisted of sharing a room with another teacher on the third floor of an office building. There were about 10 total teachers going through training at the time, including two American women. Both of these women stood in stark contrast to the thin, beautiful women we saw on the streets. Both were overweight, revelling in their own self-wrought drama, and seriously outclassed by their Ukrainian competition. That didn't stop one of them from chasing me relentlessly for that entire week, and unfortunately it didn't stop me from hitting it  after getting totally trashed on some Turkish alcohol that she loaded me with.

Thankfully, my stay in Kiev came to an end, at just the right time. The school I had to go to for observation classes was very close to Maidan. One day, while heading to the school, the group I was walking with took a wrong turn, and we ended up smack dab in the middle of Maidan. At that time, it was peaceful, but the violence erupted literally the day after I left.

So, now I'm in my Eastern industrial city, which is definitely an upgrade aesthetically from my previous city. My job is definitely giving me much more work than I had before. However, my stay so far has mostly been boring. We'll see how things go from here on out.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Goodbye, Southern Ukrainian City

As I stated before, I'm about to leave my current city tonight. I'll be in Kiev for around a week and then will be off to my new destination, a large industrial city in Eastern Ukraine. My blog has seen a bit of a resurgence in views as of late, with a person sending me an email saying I'm the "Ukraine version of English Teacher X". While I'll take that as a compliment, so should English Teacher X. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Anyway, I have a few updates to post once I'm a bit more settled. In the meantime, if I get enough emails from people, I'll post a "mailbag" update, where I'll answer your questions about anything and everything Ukraine. If you have any questions to send, shoot me a message at