Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Slippery Slope

So, I suppose I just experienced my first "real" winter here in Ukraine. Shortly after arriving in my new city, the weather took a turn for the colder...much, much colder. Temperatures were around -20C for most of that time, up until a week ago. Every flat surface was covered in at least a centimeter of ice. The snow that eventually came helped to maintain some traction, but every day, my walk to work was a struggle just to stay on my feet. Thankfully, I only fell once, a few days ago just after walking out the door of my apartment building. I landed flat on my ass, so nothing beyond my ego was hurt.

Work has been proceeding nicely. Unfortunately, my social life hasn't been as smooth. Not that it's been rough, it's just been extremely uneventful. I've only met up with a few people here, although one of those was just this last weekend, with the promise of more. I should be able to find a date for Valentine's Day, just in case I decide I need one. I still haven't made up my mind on that yet. Anyways, that's all for now. At least until things become a little less boring.


  1. Have you experienced any bedlam yet seeing the Ukraine rioting/revolting is getting absolutely insane? From what I read the people are in fuck it mode and killing government officials/cops.......no biggie. Can you confirm?

  2. Papa Dom, that shit is all happening in Kiev, the capital. I'm safely nested in the heart of the pro-Russian part of Ukraine, so there hasn't been any bedlam here.
