Thursday, March 28, 2013


Yes, this is yet another blog from yet another American expat who has become yet another TEFL tradesman. This blog shall remain anonymous, for reasons that I probably don't need to explain. This is just a simple way for me to blow off steam while providing some mild entertainment to those few who are brave enough to venture to these parts.

I'll provide a simple warning here: if you are easily offended, you'd best find yourself another blog to read. My views are not mainstream, and I'll pull no punches here. Anything I say can and probably will be held against me, but don't expect me to give a fuck.

Having said the above...if you're interested in reading the musings of an eccentric expat living in a post-Soviet shithole, then feel free to stick around. Anyone who is interested in the former Soviet Union may find something of interest here. Anyone who is interested in women from the former Soviet Union will probably find a shitload of interesting things here. So...stick around, and prepare to be shocked, titillated, and horrified, and not necessarily in that order.

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